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Hazard Perception: Roadsense - The Official Interactive DVD for All Drivers and Riders

Produktkarte von: Amazon.de

Produkt-Code: 0115524940

Kategorie: DVD

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Andere Informationen

  • The only official interactive hazard perception DVD for your DVD player and PS2 or Xbox
  • This easy to use DVD gives clear guidance on how to recognise and respond to hazards on the road
  • Test your hazard perception skills with the official DSA video clips. Identify the hazards using your DVD remote and receive feedback on your performance
  • Packed with useful tips, quizzes and expert advice to get you on the road safely
  • Watch out for the sample multiple choice theory test questions at the end of each section to test your knowledge.Includes references to The Highway Code and other official books.'Hot tips' for each vehicle type with links to useful websites.Indexed chapters enabling users to recap sections.Hard of hearing subtitles option and English voice-over option.Information about what happens at the theory test centre so you can relax and concentrate on getting that pass.

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