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GLEDOPTO 5V Zigbee Strip Light with Mini USB Controller Kit 2M LED Strip TV Backlight Color Changing and Dual White ZigBee Light Link App Compatible with ZLL Hub Bridges

Produktkarte von: Amazon.de

Produkt-Code: B07W7T751R

Kategorie: Ausrüstung

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Andere Informationen

  • 💡 5V USB Zigbee Controller with LEDstrip light Kit - The product comes with a mini-sized controller and a IP20 not waterproof LED strip light. The control adapter complies with ZigBee Light Link protocol. Compatible with ZLL bridges and hubs: Amazon Echo Plus, Samsung SmartThings, Osram Lightify and more Android or iOS smartphone App
  • 💡No need for another power supply. Power it off the back of your TV, PC Monitor, or an old phone USB charging brick.
  • 💡 Kit includes USB powered LED strip controller and 2M of matching 5V not waterproof LED strip. The controller can only power and control the included strip and strip length.
  • 💡 [Easy Assembly] - Clean the back of TV, secure the LED strip light, plug the USB plug into the USB port and you have a great TV light or monitor backlight. Cut the LED rope on the cutting marks for the perfect fit. With bias lighting, you create sharper images and reduce eye strain in children and adults

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